Friday 30 January 2015


There is interesting info for you who want to get free from the phone androidmu dollars, now do not need to bother blogging or use ads again, enough to capitalize Android gadget you've been able to get dollars easily and certainly not time-consuming you. It's just that you get the dollars per day is not much, at least $ 1 - $ 2 dollars only, but if collected within 1 month, be able to $ 30. 

Withdrawals can be made via PayPal balance

Actually this is the core of the whiff You must try the application for a few minutes, and you can get $ 0.10 - $ 0.30 / her application. That you can get every day, more and more applications you install, the more dollars you get.


 1. Download and Install Applications whiff (APK) or Direct from the Play Store on your Android.
 2. Afterwards, login wear your Facebook account. Ohya, Input this code AE84834 first account you can  let the dollar bonuses and no contents: P
 3. Furthermore, I find the dollars it is to use applications that are inside, or it could also follow the missions are given, such as using the application for 2 minutes or more.
 4. IMPORTANT (Enter the invite code correctly so bonus really get into your balance)
 5. It'S Done